Words, however shaped, must reflect deeds in the end. Otherwise the empire of slogans and false emotional triggers will eventually implode.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Liquid Coal Getting the Smashing it Deserves

Two proposed amendments to the federal energy bill have been soundly defeated.

The first, proposed by Sen Bunning (R-KY), would have set requirements that the U.S. use six billion gallons of coal-derived fuel by 2022. On June 19 this amendment went down 55-39 - click here to see how your Senator voted. A 'nay' vote is the vote for the environment, and I have to give credit where credit is due, Sen. Obama, long a proponent of liquid coal voted against this amendment.

The second amendment, proposed by Sen. Tester (D-MT), allowed for $10 billion in loan guarantees to produce liquid coal for uses beyond just transportation fuel. This one went down 61-33. You can check out the vote count here. Again, a 'nay' vote is the right vote, though here, Sen. Obama voted 'yea'. Admittedly, this amendment would be less horrible than the other, since it does offer some language on fighting global warming, but the simple reality is that with current technologies, any form of liquid coal is going to be dirtier than what we've got. And that doesn't even mention the insane cost inherent in getting liquid coal up and running.

Kudos to the Senate for shutting down these two amendments!

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